Good Neighbor Volunteer Roles

Job Connector
Job Connectors help Members find the right living-wage career opportunities by connecting ReWork to employers who are looking to hire.

Career Coach
Career Coaches are individuals who are in the career field that one of our Members is seeking to pursue. They serve as a long-term mentor and connector who support a Member on their career pathway.

Financial Coach
Financial Coaches are individuals with financial backgrounds who serve as coaches to help Members budget and calculate what a living wage career will mean financially.

Essential Skills Workshop Facilitator
Volunteers who have expertise in human resources, interviewing, resume writing, or other relevant fields will help with offering workshops.

Event Childcare
When we orchestrate Member meetings, childcare is a necessary component of allowing Members to participate. Good Neighbors who enjoy spending time with children are ideal for helping provide this critical support at program training sites.

Transportation Support
We know that a major barrier many East End families face is reliable transportation. Good Neighbor drivers provide transportation in their own cars for ReWork Members and their families to important events such as job interviews.

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